The young writer caught

Diary of Anne Frank. Source: website
Diary of Anne Frank. Source: website
Anne Frank was given her diary for her thirteenth birthday, and her first entry dates from that day: June 12, 1942. At the time she still lived at Merwedeplein in Amsterdam. Just one month later she was in hiding in the Secret Annex. It could be quite difficult to write in seclusion there. She most liked to write at her desk in her room, but as she shared this room with Dr. Pfeffer, this was only possible at certain hours.

Of course Anne also wrote about her housemates and the helpers. On December 21, 1942 she describes how she felt caught by Mrs. Van Pels. In her book, Miep Gies recounts the time when she accidentally came upon Anne while she was writing. The incident made a deep impression on Miep, while Anne makes no mention of it in her diary. Click here to see a video excerpt in which Miep Gies talks about the time she caught Anne in the act of writing.


In the Secret Annex, Anne not only writes in her diary but also writes short stories, and she has a special notebook in which she copies beautiful sentences, on her father's advice. Of course all the Annex occupants are curious to know what Anne is writing, and once in a while she reads them a story of her own in the evening. She does let anyone read her diary, however.

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July 1944 was a warm month, and a languorous mood hung in the office. One day, when Miep had finished work early, she decided on an impulse to visit the Secret Annex, just to socialize. In the room of Mr. and Mrs. Frank she came upon Anne, deeply engrossed in writing.

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